Choking and Stumbling

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Wow, I actually started a blog. Why did I start a blog? I really don't even know. Perhaps because I have so much to say, and nobody to say it to. My boyfriend doesn't enjoy philisophical banter. My mother is busy. My sister lives five hours away. So, I have resorted to the dim glow and familiar hum of you, my dear laptop, to be invisible ears.

That being said... where should I begin? Ha, this is where the awkward silence would come in.
Well, I can tell you right now my life is one hundred percent composed of chaos. My boyfriend and I just this past week moved out of my dad's house and are now living with my mom. (My dad is a cocaine addict and alcoholic) My mother and I are going through a court battle with my dad next month to revoke his right to see my little brother and sisters, due to his drug abuse. I am taking heavy courses this fall in school. My mom is depressed and I constantly feel the need to help her, somehow. I only wish for her happiness. My boyfriend is jobless, again, due to a misdemeanor he got three years ago for burglary. My best friend moved to Canada, and I feel like my world is crumbling without him. My bank account is in the hole... big time.
However, I did finally find a job and my first day is Sunday. :)

Ugh. Well, more thoughts later. This is simply a prologue, so, dear laptop, brace yourself.
